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API, a non-profit org., aims to protect, develop and consolidate all fish farming activities in inland, marine and brackish waters. It promotes all interventions in the economic, scientific, technical, insurance, professional, union and legal fields necessary to achieve this goal. Assistance in the economic field aims to meet the needs of farmers on the possibilities of optimizing their resources, and possible opportunities for public funding. The API's interest in the scientific field is realized through collaboration with Scientific Institutions to enrich the knowledge made available to companies, both in terms of technological innovations and veterinary assistance to be provided to members. The competence and professionalism of the consultants are characteristics that the Italian Fish Farmers Association believes are necessary to guarantee adequate assistance to members. API adheres to FEAP to ensure a connection with European fish farming.


During the project API in its role as a representative of the fish farming sector in Italy will actively participate in the co-creation of the project goals and to develop, with scientific partners and relevant Public Institutions, the most appropriate way to improve and disseminate the project results.

Ministero dell'agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste

The Italian Minister for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests, or MASAF, is an Italian government department. The Ministry, based at the Palazzo dell'Agricoltura in Rome, produces and co-ordinates government policy on agriculture, forests, food and fisheries at national, European and international level. The Fisheries and Aquaculture Department carries out scientific research activities applied to the marine fisheries and aquaculture sector. The Ministry is in charge for defining strategic guidelines and allocation of funds towards a more sustainable aquaculture. Carrying out, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 1004 of May 17, 2017, activities on the collection, management and use of fisheries data. Fisheries and aquaculture statistics. Study of fisheries-marine environment interactions. General affairs management and relations with the Department. Administration of budget chapters related to the operation of the General Directorate. Coordination of legal issues and litigation pertaining to the activities of the General Directorate's offices. MASAF will be involved in the dissemination of project outputs.


PEMAC I Office “Scientific Research, General Affairs and General Affairs” of the Italian Minister for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests will contribute to disseminate project results and to promote IMTAs knowledge and development in Italy as part of its institutional activities. Such task will be carried out through the ITAQUA platform, a multi-stakeholders national discussion table. ITAQUA joins as institutional member the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform (EATIP) an international non-profit association dedicated to developing, supporting and promoting technology and innovation in aquaculture in Europe.


H2O SCITECH - WATER INSTITUTE is a Polish institute whose mission is to provide innovative solutions in the field of aquaponics, water monitoring and treatment, modern food production and raising social awareness of water consumption and demand. The Foundation is based near Wrocław and cooperates with Polish and foreign institutions, conducting research and socio-educational projects. The H2O-SCITECH team is made up of people not only passionate, but also full of extensive knowledge in the field of nutrition, biotechnology, chemistry, electronics, mechanics and IT. Website:


Dr. Katarzyna Pala

Dr. Katarzyna Pala, co-founder and vice-president of H2O SCITECH – WATER INSTITUTE, is a recognized specialist in the development of innovative product and technical solutions in the field of closed-circuit food production, especially in the area of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). One of her basic scientific interests is R&D work using algae and also aquaponics. Katarzyna is a doctor of biotechnology. She also completed postgraduate studies in intellectual property management and industrial pharmacy. Email:


Tomasz Gondek

Tomasz Gondek is the co-founder and vice-president of H2O SCITECH – WATER INSTITUTE. He has 20 years of professional experience in introducing product and technological innovations to the market. He cooperated with, among others: with public research and development centers, he was also responsible for the localization of investment projects in Poland, including: IBM, Google, HP. Tomasz was responsible for managing a portfolio of many research and development projects, including biotechnology projects, and also created, managed and commercialized a portfolio of technology start-ups related to biotechnology and the food industry. Tomasz Gondek holds a Master's degree in Corporate Finance and took part in the MicroMasters Program on Chemistry and Technology for Sustainability at Wageningen University & Research. Email:


Michalina Alicka

Michalina Alicka is the head of the biotechnology department at H2O SCITECH - INSTYTUT WODY. Michalina leads a team of biotechnologists, biologists and microbiologists responsible for the biological aspects of the development and maintenance of salt- and freshwater recirculating closed systems (RAS) for breeding crustaceans, including those expanded with an aquaponics module. Michalina is also responsible for the development of technologies for the cultivation of saltwater macroalgae in closed terrestrial systems, the cultivation of microalgae and R&D projects related to the development of diagnostic tests for the rapid detection of pathogens in aquaculture. Michalina holds a master's degree in biotechnology. Email:


Associazione Mediterranea Acquacoltori

The Associazione Mediterranea Acquacoltori, founded in 2002 promotes the care, protection and coordination of associated enterprises, in support of aquaculture activities along the chain. In 2020 there are 76 member with about 800 aquaculture companies, mainly shellfish farmers. AMA is also recorded as a framework for research and development in the Registry of the National Research 58245ACX code, presenting projects at national level in the field of technological development in various areas of aquaculture, is recognized by the Ministry MASAF as a representative participant in the advisory bodies and deliberative, and since 2009 has been recognized throughout the Country as a legal entity as well as certification of the Prefecture of Rimini ‐local Government–Prot344/2009/Area NI.


During the project AMA will participate in the co-creation of the project goals and, in its role as a representative of the shellfish farming sector in Italy, will actively participate in the co-creation of the project goals and to develop, with scientific partners and relevant Public Institutions, the most appropriate way to improve and disseminate the project results with events dedicated to shellfish farmers.


The Experimental Mariculture Center (CEMar) of the Oceanography course at the University of Vale do Itajaí, located in Enseada do Itapocoroy (Penha-SC) was created in 1994. In these 30 years of work it has been carrying out research, teaching and extension activities in the area technology development and environmental monitoring associated with the cultivation of molluscs, macroalgae and marine fish. Due to its privileged location, in front of Enseada, it has a working structure for carrying out laboratory activities, with tanks filled with filtered and sterilized seawater. It also has a cultivation area at sea, with long-line and 3 PEA net tanks, in addition to 2 support vessels, to carry out the proposed activities. The work team also provides support and technical support to mollusk and macroalgae producers from the Penha Mariculture Association and Cooperative. In these 30 years of CEMar's existence, research and work has been carried out to develop cultivation technology with Perna Perna mussels, oysters (Crassostrea gigas and Crassotrea gazar), scallops (Nodipecten nodosus) and clam (Anomalocardia brasiliana). Regarding macroalgae, research was initially directed towards native species of the genera Gracilaria and Hypnea and currently with the exotic species Kappaphycus alvarezii. Regarding marine fish, in partnership with EPAGRI and in particular the Marine Fish Farming Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (LAPMAR/UFSC), fattening work was carried out with sea bass (C. undecimalis and C. parallelus), grouper (Epinephelus marginatus), cobia (Rachycentron canadum), Brazilian sardines (Sardinella brasiliensis) and mullet (Mugil liza). Also noteworthy is recent research work on sea cucumbers of the species Holothuria grisea and Parathyone braziliensis. In this sense, CEMar's technical team presents technical qualifications and physical structure to develop projects with integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA), integrating species from different trophic levels, with the aim of reducing environmental impact and increasing the efficiency of the production process of cultivated species . Site: Instagram : @univali_penha


Gilberto Caetano Manzoni

Dr. Gilberto Caetano Manzoni, Oceanologist and Doctor in Aquaculture, Coordinator of the Mariculture Experimental Center, Professor of the subjects of General Aquaculture and Mariculture of the Oceanography and Biology courses at the University of Vale do Itajai, since 1994. Expertise in marine shellfish, finfish e macroalgae culture, multitrophic system E-mail:


Robson Cardoso da Costa

Msc. Robson Cardoso da Costa Aquaculture engineer, master in aquaculture. Since 2015, he has worked as a laboratory technician at the Experimental Mariculture of the University of Vale de Itajaí. Working in teaching, research, extension and projects related to mariculture. E-mail:


Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina

Epagri is a public company created in 1991 to provide rural and fishing research and extension in Santa Catarina. It is the official state institution of extension, being responsible for carrying out technical assistance for promoting the sustainability and technological development in rural and coastal areas. Epagri, with its capillarity, provides technical assistance for small and medium-scale farmers, fishermen, aquaculturists, and traditional communities in line with guidelines, programs and public policies of the state and federal government. In the aquaculture and fisheries sector, Epagri attend aquaculturists and fishermen, public managers to develop fisheries production chain through the adoption of technologies, policies and infrastructures that are sustainable and compatible with the state's geographic profile. The work carried out by Epagri in the area of aquaculture and fishing in the last two years totaled more than 22 thousand assistances, which involved more than 10 thousand families.


Eng.-Agronomist; MSc: Everton Gesser Della Giustina

Everton holds a B. Sc. in Agronomy and a M. Sc. in Civil Engineering both from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), and works at Epagri since 2009 as Coordinator of Extension for the aquaculture and fisheries program. He has experience aquaculture extension, mariculture, territorial planning and management, environmental conservation and geoprocessing. E-mail: Websit: Istagram: Youtube: http: //


Eng.-Agronomist: Viviana Bittencourt da Silva

Viviana holds a B. Sc. in Agronomy from the State University of Santa Catarina - UDESC and specialization in Administration at Universidade do Contestado – UNC. She works at Epagri as a Extension Officer in the areas of Aquaculture and Fisheries in the municipality of Penha. E-mail: Websit: Istagram: Youtube: http: //


Federation of Mollusc Producers of the Ebro Delta

FEPROMODEL (Federation of Producers of Molluscs Delta de l'Ebre) is a collaborating agent of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the government (Generalitat) of Catalonia, supporting research to improve the products grown in the bays Fangar and Alfacs of the Ebro Delta. FEPROMODEL was established in 2007, with the aim of bringing together mollusc producers in the bays of the Ebro Delta, and defending their interests, and at the same time unifying all their efforts. FEPROMODEL has 56 concessionaires, the vast majority of which are micro-enterprises. In the two bays, Fangar and Alfacs, about 4 million mussels and about 500 tons of oysters are harvested annually. The markets where these species are destined are mainly Catalonia, Valencia (mussels), and France. The oyster from the Ebro Delta, which is grown in these bays, is of extraordinary quality, highly recognized in the markets where it is destined, Catalonia and France. The oyster, being grown in these two areas of the Ebro Delta, which are very rich in phytoplankton, has a very fast growth, more so than in French oysters, and this gives them a taste, texture and a very differential characteristic. The main thing about these oysters is that they are rich in Omega 3, minerals, zinc, and are very suitable for the cholesterol regime, while providing nutrients that make them a very important food. The “Marisc delta de l’Ebre”, is committed to quality and the environment. The shellfish, mussels, oysters and clams are farmed and processed in the bays of Fangar and los Alfacs, located in the Ebro Delta Natural Park and within the area of the Biosphere Reserve, granted by UNESCO to the Terres de l'Ebre.


Gerardo Bonet

Gerardo Bonet is the manager of FEPROMODEL (Federation of Producers of Molluscs Delta de l'Ebre), which is a collaborating agent of the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the government (Generalitat) of Catalonia, supporting research to improve the products grown in the bays Fangar and Alfacs of the Ebro Delta. Gerardo, leads FEPROMODEL bridging the gap between the government and concessionaries that culture molluscs in the two bay of the Ebro Delta. This involves addressing a wide variety of activities to ensure the sustainable culture maintains high levels of production and product quality in the dynamic natural environment. An important role is the collaboration of FEPROMODEL with other institutions to develop new technologies and working practices that safeguard the production and environment.